Course Details

Hand & Power Tool Safety in Construction Environments

Ideal For: Construction Project,

Training Categories: Safety: Power Tools ,

Topics: Introduction, Hand and Power Tool Hazards, Tool Inspection and Maintenance, Personal Protective Equipment, Using Electric Power Tools Safely, Preventing Kickbacks, Reducing Hazards in Your Work Area, Conclusion,

Hand and power tools help construction workers complete jobs quickly and efficiently, however, you need to know how to use these tools safely, otherwise you might injure yourself. The misuse of hand and power tools causes half a million people to visit the emergency room each year. This online training course teaches construction workers the hazards associated with hand and power tools. It also reviews the importance of inspecting and maintaining tools before, during, and after use. Workers will understand the types of PPE they should be wearing while working. This course reviews specific safety details associated to electric power tools. Finally, the course teaches how to help prevent power tool kickback and how to actively reduce hazards in work areas. The course helps construction workers gain a deeper understanding of the hazards and precautions related to hand and power tools.

  • Languages:  en-es
  • Lessons:  8
  • Time:   16 to 26 minutes
  • Pricing: Subscription
     Pre-Paid Views
     Pay-Per View
  • Quiz Questions:  10
  • Closed-Captioned: Yes
  • Type:  Full-Length
  • Course ID: marchptc1_vod


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Our trainings are being used by both small and large-enterprise organizations across the globe.

Great, interactive courses that were simple to deploy to my large team. The embedded quizzing was perfect for ensuring our employees understood the content.

Sandra S.

Safety & Compliance Manager
On point topics delivering great content that is accurate, current and engaging! Training cycles have gotten easier and more frequent thanks to VAIRKKO and the content they offer out of the box.

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